Delivery Details
How can I manage my delivery process?
When your products are ready for delivery, we will ask you to specify your preferred delivery date. For this, after logging in, you can select My Orders from the My Account area at the top right and choose one of the dates we recommend for the delivery of the products and at the same time you can request a different date. If you request a different date, our relevant teams will help you by calling you within 2 business days.
If you choose one of the dates we offer you during the date selection process, we strive to realize the delivery planning according to this preference. We will inform you if we plan for a different date than the date you prefer for various reasons. We will ask you to confirm the scheduled date in My Orders. Our relevant teams will call you 1 hour before your confirmed delivery date and inform you.
You can perform all of these transactions via SMS or e-mails we will send to you, or you can become a member and perform them from My Account / My Orders area. You can use this article to become a member.
- When the product is ready for shipping, you can send your date preference by clicking the Specify Delivery Date Preference button.
Can I place an order with future delivery?
If your home/location for delivery is not yet ready at the time you want to place an order, you can create your order to be delivered on a later date only through our showrooms and sales points.
You can only benefit from the delivery on a later date once for the same order.
You can get detailed information about the process by reviewing the items below.
Advanced delivery requests can only be made for products delivered by our own transportation team. A future delivery request cannot be created for products to be delivered by cargo.
Advanced delivery request must be specified at the time of order.
In order to receive the products 3 months after the scheduled delivery date, the minimum basket amount must be 60,000 TL. For baskets under 60.000 TL, advanced delivery cannot be made.
For baskets over 60.000 TL, free +3 months forward delivery is available.
The +3 months free onward delivery period can be extended to a maximum of +3 months for baskets over 85,000 TL. If there is a minimum of 60,000 TL in the basket, a +1 month free hold can be made on the delivery date. However, in this condition, +3 months paid hold cannot be applied on +1 month free hold.
This charge is 3% per month on the non-discounted sales price for each product to be kept in the warehouse. Dolce Vita reserves the right to unilaterally change this charge for each product according to market conditions and the increase in storage costs.
In the event of a later delivery request that is not specified at the time of ordering, a warehouse fee will be applied according to the delay time and the number of products on hold. This charge is 3% per month on the non-discounted sales price for each product to be kept in the warehouse. Dolce Vita reserves the right to unilaterally change this charge according to market conditions and increases in storage costs. Products can be kept in this way for a maximum of +3 months after the deadline.
There is no right to cancel and return after 3 days for products for which advanced delivery is requested.
What is the production time for my products?
Production time may vary depending on the preparation stages of the products and the difference between standard and customized products.
There is no right of return/exchange for customized products.