Payment Process
How can I pay?
We confirm your order after the payment process is completed. You can order and pay from our website and showrooms with your preferred payment methods below.
1. Credit/Debit Card
2. Cash Payment
Can I pay in installments?
You can pay in 6 installments with Axess, Maximum, Bankkart, Bonus, Wolrd, Cardfinans, Advantage, Paraf and Saglam Card.
Can I pay by cash on delivery?
We do not have the option to pay at the door as it is not suitable for secure payment systems.
Can I pay cash?
Cash payment option is available. You can choose cash payment only in our showrooms.
Is it safe to pay by credit card?
Thanks to 3D Secure service and the world's leading payment systems company Masterpass infrastructure, you can shop with peace of mind with our secure payment system.
In payments made with 3D Secure, a special 3D transaction screen offered by the bank opens on the bank and user screen and a confirmation code is sent via SMS to the mobile phone of the credit card holder. In payment transactions made in this way, the bank takes full responsibility in any negative situation.
How can I redeem and pay for promotions?
There are 2 types of promotions offered at Dolce Vita: Promotions applied by entering a gift voucher/discount coupon and periodic product promotions applied directly in the cart.
For payments made with a gift voucher/discount coupon with no lower limit, the order will be reviewed and approved within a maximum of 2 business days if the coupon covers the entire basket amount.
Gift vouchers/discount coupons are not valid for products with a yellow colored product price. Periodic product promotions applied directly in the cart are valid for all products that meet the campaign conditions.
In case of return of the gift product within the scope of the campaign, the gift product in the basket will not be refunded.
Promotions with expired expiration dates cannot be reused.
Personalized gift vouchers and membership coupons are single use only.
You may have more than one coupon defined in your Vivense account. However, Vivense coupons cannot be combined. You can complete your shopping by selecting a coupon or periodic cart promotion that is suitable for your order.
The campaign will not be canceled if the campaign conditions continue to be met even if the cancellation or return is made.
When calculating the refund fee for orders realized within a campaign with a participation lower limit, if the remaining order amount does not meet the lower limit, the current campaign is deactivated and the refund is calculated according to the remaining amount.